Routines that Drain Your Energy l The Life Blogs -- معمولات جو آپ کی توانائی کو ختم کرتے ہیں۔

05 Routines that Drain Your Energy l The Life Blogs

One of the few factors that affects every aspect of your life is your energy. Despite the fact that most individuals are preoccupied with time-management techniques, you can't just add additional time. It's a typical emotion. Your energy level unexpectedly lowers while you're working on a job. You lack the desire to carry on and believe you are incapable of completing any task.

However, you may boost your energy so that you can work harder in fewer hours.

And contrary to popular assumption, energy—not time—is our most precious resource.

The issue is that instead of sustaining our energy levels through invigorating activities, we frequently spend the majority of our time depleting them.

But we aren't even aware of doing this. Because most of the activities we're taught to do in order to have "normal" lives drain rather than replenish our energy, we simply don't know how to do either.

Most people are stressed and exhausted throughout their entire lives for two reasons:

  • They never stop working. They constantly have a thousand different things to do, therefore they never have time.

  • They are unable to adequately rest. They feel guilty for sleeping for too long because they might have been working, they don't know how to properly fuel their bodies with nourishment, and they spend most of their time indoors, which is a terrible combo. 

Thus, selling energy drinks and power shots brings in billions of dollars for businesses like Red Bull every year. People all over the world are tired and searching for a quick fix. The majority of them turn to caffeine and artificial drinks to feel an instant energy boost and check something off of their never-ending to-do list.

However, the reality is that all of these energy drinks and quick solutions just temporarily increase alertness while ultimately making you feel worse.

Eliminating energy-sucking tasks that we typically repeat each day is the key to living a more energized life: 

1. Stop mistreating your body.

Eating food that makes us feel full, uneasy, and miserable because it lacks proper nutrients and is difficult to digest is the biggest yet most underappreciated method we are destroying our energy levels every day.

And ironically, because sugar cravings are a normal response to stress, we tend to eat the worst things when we are anxious.

However, now is the moment when we need to be even more watchful about what we put into our bodies, as our diet has a direct impact on both our capacity for thinking clearly and our capacity for managing stress. Studies even show that eating has an impact on our thinking.

For example, a diet strong in sugar slows down our brains' ability to learn and memories things.

The Life Blogs
 2. Sleeping Less Than Enough (7-9 Hours).

Sleep is one aspect of change that isn't addressed enough and can make the difference between success and failure. Yes, a healthy diet and rigorous exercise are essential for success, but so is the quantity and quality of sleep you get every night.

Our bodies replenish energy reserves, eliminate waste from the previous day, and carry out the majority of repair and growth while we sleep. These processes are effectively "kneecapped" by sleep restriction, leaving you exhausted, uninspired, and under-rested.

There's more, though.

In addition to disrupting hormone levels, sleep loss also affects metabolism, hunger, and satiety signals. Basically, getting insufficient sleep makes you feel more peckish during the day and makes it more difficult for you to feel full after eating.

Additionally, obtaining little sleep lowers your desire to move and your activity level the next day.

Finally, lack of sleep affects insulin sensitivity, which reduces how well your body uses glucose and increases the likelihood that fat will be stored rather than burned for energy (or store it in muscle).

3. Stop wasting so much energy so quickly.

Most of us waste our newly found energy in the first few minutes of the day by doing inconspicuous routines. And as soon as we wake up, we frequently grab our phones and either hit the snooze button or, worse still, check our news feeds.

We quickly transition from being asleep to digesting absurd quantities of data, communications, and negative news, and then we wonder why we are exhausted when we arrive at work.

The fact is that you weren't designed for that abrupt change.

What you really need is a morning routine that brings you happiness, relaxation, and clarity. I'm not referring about a fancy 60-minute programme that makes you exercise, read, meditate, write in a notebook, and do a bunch of weird stuff you don't want to do.

I'm talking about giving up your phone so you may enjoy tranquil mornings. Just that.

Because it quickly triggers awareness in our brains and puts us in a fight-or-flight mentality before we even get out of bed, checking our phones in the morning is a form of self-disrespect.

4. When habits become harmful rather than beneficial.

Making routines is one of the most fundamental pieces of self-help advice. And it's wise counsel, given that a morning routine can reduce the amount of decisions you need to make, saving you valuable time and energy.

The issue, though, is that routinizing every aspect of your life can quickly become monotonous and repetitious, causing your energy levels to decline rather than rise.

Being too comfortable will prevent us from exploring new ideas and having new experiences, thus we need changes and fresh stimuli to keep ourselves interested and motivated.

5. You are continuously scrolling, as I can see.

We have more options than ever to study and do anything we want, yet we frequently give up because we spend too much time idly browsing through countless news feeds and other stuff each week.

Studies show that the majority of adults vastly underestimate the amount of time they spend engrossed in devices.

And as you might expect, the constant barrage of information causes us to feel mentally exhausted, overwhelmed, and even anxious, which dramatically lowers our energy levels.

We have a persistent urge to scroll up and down due to our fear of losing out on news.

Conclusion : 

Most of the time, it's our small, daily routines that shape our lives rather than major shifts or unusual habits.

Even though fatigue affects a lot of individuals worldwide, there are easy ways to overcome it. You now understand that you *should* take some of the actions I listed above, but the real question is: Will you?


  1. ya , I think blog is for me, as I often feel tired and less energetic. Thanx mate

  2. well, these are some great points... some time i feel low energetic... may this help me

  3. if these steps helped me, than i am your biggest fan as I often feel less energetic during my office hours.

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