دوڑنے کے فوائد --Advantages of Running : 05 Interesting Facts



People appear to either fervently love or despise running, making it seem like a pretty polarizing sport. Non-runners driving by may scratch their heads in utter confusion at the sight of runners walking down the slushy road on a frigid winter morning, recalling perhaps the days when they had to run the mile to pass PE or received laps as punishment at sporting events. 

There may be some health benefits to running daily. According to studies, running for just 5 to 10 minutes every day at a moderate speed may help lower your risk of passing away from common conditions including heart attacks and strokes. However, the same study also reveals that these advantages end after 4.5 hours per week, negating the need for daily long runs. Running has a significant impact, and over training can result in problems including shin splints and stress fractures. 

Numerous studies have demonstrated that running lengthens life. Because of this, it is frequently said that "if exercise were a drug, it would be the most popular pill in the world." Notable: It would also cost little to nothing, making it the most affordable option. 

Your goals and level of physical fitness will determine how many days a week you can safely run. Your training plan should include days set aside for rest, strength training, and cross training. They might improve your general health and fitness as a runner.

Continue reading for advice on incorporating daily running into your routine as well as information on the advantages and risks of doing so. 

Advantages of Running 

Running has a long number of advantages, ranging from increased cardiovascular fitness to stress reduction. Some of the main advantages of running are as follows: 

Advantage 1. Running can help your back and knees

Many people find it hard to accept that running has this particular advantage. They assume that because running involves impact, it must be harmful to joints. Furthermore, everyone is aware of a few runners who had to turn to biking due to knee discomfort. True, but it's also true that, on average, sedentary, overweight folks have more knee and back issues than the majority of runners.  

Looking for evidence? Fair enough, I guess. In this study, 675 marathon runners were compared to non-marathon runners as controls. The results showed that "in our cohort, the arthritis rate of active marathoners was below that of the general U.S. population." Even ultra marathoners appear to be doing well. The great running burden "seems unlikely to have a substantial detrimental affect on the femoropatellar joint [knee joint] tissues," according to researchers who examined the knees of runners who had just finished a multi-day, 2700-mile trek across Europe. 

"The knees of rookie runners demonstrated consistent improvement, for at least 6 months post marathon, in the health of their bone marrow and articular cartilage," researchers said in a study of 40 first-time marathon runners (15 men and 25 women). The lower back is the same. Researchers compared disc spacing in veteran runners and non-runners in a research from 2020 titled "Long-term running in middle-aged men and inter vertebral disc health, a cross-sectional pilot study. Additionally, individuals' disc-spacing appeared better the longer they had been running. In the same way, weekly miles. Running more was better. 

Advantage 2. You can lose weight and keep it off by Running

Running burns more calories than the majority of other activities since it requires you to move your entire body weight continually. And running quickly is not necessary to maximize burn.You get nearly as much by moving slowly (but it takes twice as long). 

A 2019 editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine argued that the adage "you can't outrun a lousy diet" is, at best, only partially true. It is undeniable that exercise may and can cause weight loss, according to the authors. Running burns around 100 calories per mile if you want to keep track. (Multiply for more precision. (To calculate your specific calorie burn per mile, multiply your body weight in pounds by 75.) 

Only one group is known to defy the odds, and that group consists of people who dedicate themselves to a regular, long-term fitness routine. These successful weight loss candidates have been tracked by one programme, the National Weight Control Registry. A sizable group of individuals who dropped an average of 66 pounds and maintained their weight loss for 5.5 years are being tracked by the NWCR. Ninety percent of them work out daily for an hour on average. 98 percent of people have changed their diets in some way.



Advantage 3. Your Mood is Improved by Running  & Can help you experience nature

The "runner's high" is actually a burst of mood-enhancing endorphins brought on by a long-distance endurance run, not some fictionalized unicorn or illusive wonder.A successful run can leave you feeling confident, strong, in control, and even joyful, ready to take on everything that comes your way with a positive outlook. Running can help you feel better and reduce the symptoms of depression. 

Although treadmills are undoubtedly useful training equipment, going for a run outside gives you the chance to disconnect from technology and screens and re-connect with the natural world. Nowadays, we spend a lot of our time indoors, but study suggests that exercising outdoors has considerable mental health benefits over exercising indoors, regardless of any other considerations. Running outside is a surefire way to get some vitamin D and fresh air, whether you choose a quiet forest route or a nearby park. 

Advantage 4. Running raises your Immunity

David Nieman, a 58-time marathon runner and exercise scientist, has spent the last 40 years examining the connections between exercise and immunity. He also looked at how eating affected the immune state of runners and found a lot of extremely positive news and a few cautionary remarks. His conclusion Ultra-endurance activities can lower immunity (at least until you have fully recovered), moderate activity boosts immunity, and dark red, blue, and black berries keep your body in good shape.

Laurel M. Wentz and Nieman highlighted "The strong link between physical activity and the body's defense system" in a 2019 study. They offer guidance on nutrition and exercise levels, as well as data showing that running can enhance gut microbiome composition, lessen inflammation, lower the risk of upper respiratory infections and influenza, and boost antibody response.  

Nieman suggests a J-curve to illustrate the fact that while moderate activity is beneficial, vigorous exercise can momentarily impair immunity. This pattern has been confirmed by numerous other health researchers. "It is well acknowledged that moderate quantities of exercise boost immune system functions and hence minimize the risk of infection," the authors of the textbook Muscle and Exercise Physiology write. 

Advantage 5. Running boosts mental well-being and lessens depression.

A lot of people start running to get more physically fit. After a short while, these new runners frequently respond to the question "Why do you run?" in a different way. "Because it makes me feel better," was the response. They are discussing things like emotions, mood, mental energy, less bad days, and similar things.  

There is abundant proof of this impact. Among other beneficial results, a 2016 meta-analysis on exercise and depression came to the following conclusions: Exercise is "an excellent treatment" for depression.

Adhere to a Plan  

If you want to increase your training safely and effectively, you might want to consider adhering to a beginner's running plan or programme. 

Allow your body to rest.  

Make sure you get enough rest or choose low-impact exercise on the other days to lessen the strain and impact on your body as you gain strength. 



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