Being the best version of oneself entails what? Is it only about realizing your potential, or is there more to it? These are the questions that, if you're like most people, you've thought about as you look for identity, self-assurance, and fulfillment in life. When the solutions you discover don't live up to your expectations, you need to start posing the really crucial queries that help you comprehend how to maximize personal development and develop into the ideal version of yourself. This blog focuses on the small changes you can make in your life right now to start creating the best version of yourself.
Everyone wants to be their best selves, but only a select handful are able to accomplish so. When it comes to achieving success, pursuing our aspirations, and leading passionate, meaningful lives, we are our own worst adversaries.
Some people self-destruct without even realizing it, while others do but are unable to change due to a lack of information or abilities. However, no matter who you are, there are 6 fundamental tendencies that consistently prevent people from succeeding.
What Does "Being Your Best Self" Mean?
Now that you've made the decision to work on being your best self, what does it actually mean?
The concept of one's "best self" is arbitrary. It's likely that your loved ones or close pals don't share your ideal self's perspective. As a result, try to avoid comparing yourself to other individuals. Instead, consider what it means to you personally to be your best self.
Furthermore, you don't have to be your "best self" all the time. Do not be afraid to be flexible since through time, your ideal self will change in all areas of your life.
Taking ownership of your life is usually a must for being your best self. When you are in command, you have more control to make choices that will make you happier.
Additionally, keep in mind that being your best self does not always equate to success. You can't expect every aspect of your life to go according to plan. That's just not how life operates. It's about realizing that in order to be your greatest self, you must be present for every obstacle.
Even your closest, most successful friends will admit that it takes time to discover your true potential. It can take a lifetime occasionally. Just prepare yourself for the ride and take it all in.
How Can You Grow Into Your "Best Self"?
Step # 1 : Understand Your Goal
Have you ever viewed the Jiro Dreams of Sushi documentary? Jiro Ono, an 85-year-old character in this movie, is widely regarded as the best sushi chef in the entire world.
Famous individuals from all over the world fly in to enjoy Mr. Ono's $300 sushi dinner, which is frequently reserved months in advance, because the sushi he makes is so excellent.
Even though he was born in Hawaii and frequently ate sushi, Barack Obama claimed that this particular piece was the greatest he had ever tasted.
What led Jiro to his success as the top sushi chef? His single goal was to continue his lifelong pursuit to make the ideal sushi. Jiro found it to be that easy. He had no plans to start a restaurant empire or build the world's biggest sushi mall. Just one sushi roll that is flawless.
So here's what all experts in their profession know to be true:
Let's explore how you might start searching for your purpose. Consider the area in which you are now devoting the most of your work. The majority of people's jobs serve as that thing. In actuality, we put in more than 13 years of our lives working. So, let's say that after... 5, 10, 15 years of performing the same tasks, you eventually master them.
Would you be satisfied, you may ask? Is that the best possible version of you?
Now, I'm not advocating quitting your work to pursue a career as an astronaut or a painter. No, there are instances when our job is not what we do. We occasionally only need to set out bread.
But what I'm trying to express is that sometimes we need to think outside the box rather than working hard.
Step # 2 : Consider your future self as a second step.
Imagine yourself in your ideal state. How does she/he appear? How does she/he engage with others, think, communicate, and eat? What does he/she possess that you don't?
Define your ideal self using terms that are quantifiable and attainable. You could use phrases like "He is nice and kind toward everyone," "She is strong and eats well to maintain her health," etc.
The best course of action is to take the time to put these things in writing and keep them somewhere you can access them at least once per week. This will serve as a helpful reminder of your goals.
You may be the best version of yourself by giving these things top consideration. It's great that you have a to-do list that is long. However, make an effort to pick one at a time and concentrate on it consciously.
For instance, you may begin by making an effort to eat healthier by swapping junk food out for fruit. You can practice speaking more clearly in meetings with your supervisor after that habit takes hold. Take things slowly and observe how quickly you develop as a person.
You might also compose a letter from the viewpoint of yourself in ten or twenty years in order to assist yourself imagine your future self. What are they attempting to communicate to you? How do they talk to you and how do they feel about their lives? This will truly give you a sense of the type of personality you may create with time and effort.
Step # 3 : Accept Your Fear of Failure.
Realizing that you might not make it is the next step. Yes, truly.
For people who strive to be the best versions of themselves, fear of failure is widespread. And that's advantageous. Asking…
- "What if I mess up?
- What happens if I waste my time?
According to studies, 70% of entrepreneurial endeavors fail after 10 years. Does that imply that you should give up now? Actually, the complete opposite. The folks who take fear and learn to live with it are those who succeed.
In reality, having a small bit of fear can help you accomplish your goals more quickly. Dr. Mahnoor Muneeb advises us to have aspirations that we believe have a 60% success chance rather than a 100% possibility of coming true because of this.
The remaining 40%? The 40% who believe that everything they have ever worked for will be in vain if they fail? You need that fear more than anything else to motivate you.
Here's the thing: when you're afraid, you focus completely. You will be fully present as you are escaping a group of wild dogs.
Step # 4 : Don't judge and criticize others.
Do you ever notice how some people can't stand folks who hold opinions that differ from their own?
Do you realize how quickly people pass judgement on and assign labels to others without even getting to know them?
If you want to be the best version of yourself, you must purge any negative energy. You run the risk of weakening someone's sense of value and self-worth when you focus negative energy on them. Additionally, you are releasing tremendous amounts of unfavorable energy into the universe.
Ones who are kind and generous succeed more than selfish people who are angry with the world.
By avoiding making assumptions, realizing that it's not about you, and putting yourself in their shoes to understand things from their point of view, you can avoid criticizing and judging other people.
Step # 5 : Stop talking negatively about yourself.
"I never succeeded in losing 20 pounds."."
"I could never perform that job; I'm so stupid."
"If I attempt to wear some of those clothes, I'll appear foolish and strange."
When someone praises your job, you respond, "Oh, that's nothing."
When engaging in negative self-talk, most people tend to speak in this way. We all engage in self-talk naturally, but when it starts to contain unfounded, negative thoughts, that's when there's a problem.
The narrative that takes place in your thoughts is a thousand times worse than the narrative that actually occurs in your day-to-day activities.
The two best strategies to stop negative self-talk are to quiet the inner critic and to frame situations positively. Start by getting rid of words like "always," "can't," "never (and ever)," "won't," "but," "should," and "try."
Step # 6 : Embrace each moment as it comes.
Be present in all you do, whether it's spending time with your family, helping out at a nearby charity event, serving customers at a neighboring restaurant, or working at your desk. You were placed on this earth to interact with others and share your gifts. You are not giving your gift by being absent.
Encourage your attention to return to the task you are doing whenever you become aware that you are being sidetracked by thoughts about other things—your to-do list, your phone, or the upcoming event on your schedule. This applies to any time you catch yourself daydreaming or letting your focus stray from the present.
Final Thought .
Once you've accomplished each objective and applied it to many areas of your life, you'll be one step closer to realizing how to be your best self. Every victory will serve as a reminder of a decision you made, a plan you put in place, and the development of yourself. With each victory, you'll feel better about yourself, and when you learn new abilities or sharpen your focus, you'll find it much easier to move on to the next goal.
The mountaintop is far away, but it is entirely reachable and entirely worthwhile the effort. Start climbing today, and before the ache even sets in, you'll be well on your way.
couple of tips are very help-ful, will defiantly try to implement them